The following are
interviews. Links are provided to view each one.
- Interview provided by Rebecca Touger:
- Interview provided by Julia Tindell:
In these interviews, David discusses his book Stitches, explaining his reasoning for
writing and the different aspects of the book; why he chose to write about one
section, the drawings.
In his interview with Julia he states: “What I wanted was to tell the truth, which somehow, suddenly, was
incompatible with what I do for a living, which is making art. Art is the
inherently a falsification because it pares away all the dross, all the garbage
that life drags structurally in its wake, but by doing that it can clarify
everything as well.” (Tindell)
His book shows the life of him as a child and what it was
like growing up with his family, the ups and downs of life events. In the
interview with Rebecca, she asks “is this the first time that you’ve drawn on
your painful childhood for material, or has personal experience found its way
into your other work in subtler ways?” “With
one exception, that being the poem ‘George Washington’s Cows,’ my picture books
are all metaphors for actual experience. The dark elements are overlain with
humor and fantasy. With Stitches,
which is a straight memoir, I felt I had to drop all the veils of metaphor-for
a while at least-and look directly at the source.” (Touger)
Tindell, Julia. “A Conversation with Illustrator David
Small.” World Literature Today. Nov.
2011. Web. October 2015.
Touger, Rebecca. “Interview: David Small, author of
Stitches.” Smith. 6 Oct. 2009. Web.
October 2015.
In addition to his own work David also collaborates with his wife Sarah Stewart. I think its fantastic that these two can easily amd effectively work together to combine both of their visions to create something magical.