Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Relation to Memoir

In David's memoir, anger is used as a language, from the slamming cup board doors to the pounding exercise balls, or drums. David is the only one who isn't heard.  I'm rather familiar to this language and way of speech. Growing up in my house could be found like that on more occasions than not. As children me and my siblings were fairly quiet and a little reserved. I was the quietest, like David. I have since grown up and moved out, a little earlier than expected. Ive been running my own life for the last six year without the judgmental angry eyes of my parents ans siblings. I do not have all the negative energy that I use to have, following me around anymore. It stayed with my parents. When David opened his eyes with the help of therapy, and was able to see the things in his life that were keep him down and making him unhappy. We were both able to make the decision we needed to in order to lead a healthier and more happy life. Even if that meant leaving something behind. I like that David had a show of strength enough to take matters into his own hands, from running away from boarding school to, confronting his parents, to moving out and following his heart. I admire the free spirit in him. I recognize the survivor, because he made it.

I have included a link to a poem about freedom and about taking chances.  What would have happened if neither me nor David had taken a chance.

Small, David. Stitches: A Memoir--. New York:W.W. Norton, 2009. Print.


  1. I know exactly how you feel. It's hard to live your life as you have others looking down on you and commenting on every move you make. Unfortunately I'm still living with my Mom but you have done the best thing possible for yourself. You are now able to live freely and do the things you love without any criticism.

    This link is to Pharrell Williams song Freedom. I think it relates perfectly to what you have talked about yourself being free as well as David becoming free.

  2. It's never easy having a family that doesn't support you the way a family should! I'm glad to hear that when you moved out you left all the negativity behind you and created the positive live you wanted and needed. It's inspirational to know you had the strength to do this and take charge of yourself and surroundings. Also its amazing that you've been able to support yourself and live away from family! I hope this video poem brings a smile to your face as you read it and give you inspiration to push onward.


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