Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Relationship to Memoir

The book Stitches is very relatable for me because there is not a lot of communication within my household. I find that David and I can relate to how to communicate our issues. He likes to draw while I enjoy blogging as a way of speaking. The communication between parents and siblings for David is very slim. Though David does have some discussions with his brother, it is only shown once. When it comes to my brother and I, we barely communicate unless it is about something important. David’s overall relationship with his Mom is non-existent and only does exist when David is sick. My Mom and I do have communication but sometimes there are days where moods get in the way and arguments can occur. The themes of the book, family, communication, lies and deceit are three that I can relate to. Family is very important to me and even though there are good and bad days, at least we try to be there to each other. Communication as mentioned is very limited. It seems that everyone has a different way of expressing their feelings, just like David’s family. Unfortunately there have been many incidents where lies have occurred in the household and many are hurt from it. Though the lies weren't as big as what David had to handle, lies are still lies and people will never gain full trust from that person. My family has been able to get over those big bumps but in David’s case, it led to him moving out.  

If there isn't communication within a family household, it is hard for family members to understand the problems and issues others are dealing with. Below is a link of a women explaining her depression to her Mother in ways to better understand what she is feeling, done via a poem:

1 comment:

  1. I understand the struggle of a families lack of communication between one another very well. It is never an easy thing to deal with, especially when emotions are high and all you want is comfort from those closest to you. I personally never like giving advice when it comes to family struggles but I freely share what I've learnt from mine, with the hope that they may be taken and learnt from to help avoid some issues I had to overcome myself. Staying positive, even though it may be very hard at times, helps a lot with communications. Sitting down, even when tensions are high, and in one way or another bringing joy and a lightness in conversations can ease moods and bring about fun again within a family! Its never easy being the one to always try and stay positive; I personally have done everything I can to take on that role in my family. It's helped in a lot of situations to ease tension and feelings, and I've noticed an increase in communication in a time when it was likely everyone was on the brink of shutting down.
    I hope this video of staying positive helps bring a smile to your face and give you hope in hard times! She's a great video blogger and has a great out look on life!


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